Did you know that there 3 species of ptarmigan and all are found in Alaska.
There are 3 kinds of Ptarmigan, those ptarmigan are called the Rock ptarmigan, Willow Ptarmigan, and the White - tailed Ptarmigan. They are similar in the body characteristics.
Did you know that they weigh 10.5 ounces to 1.5 pounds but the white - tails are a little bit small.
This morning room 14 was reading The Bully. This book is a story about a new girl name Rosie the class did not think that she was a very nice girl because she had pulled people ears, hair , called them nasty names.
I like this picture because it shows that Wilma had told a grown up on the bully's that were Bulling Rosie because even though that Rosie was bully to her she still cares.
I really like this book so I thought that you would want to Read it to.
This Morning room 14 is learning about Holding a friendly conversation. My partner was James he was a very good partner, we had to practice a couple of times but every time we practised James would always forget his words then we finally got it right.
Did you know that the difference mammal and a non - mammal is that the non - mammals is that if it lays eggs it is not a mammal but not always the animals that are mammals they have to be a animals that drink milk.
Antarctica is in the South Pole, which at the bottom of New Zealand.The Ocean Around Antarctica is the Southern Ocean.Antarctica is the Driest and coldest Continent on Earth.
No people live in Antarctica homes, the only people who go there are only reasearches . Some Animals can survive in the cold and dry weather in antarctica. These Animals are Penguins, seals, snow petrels which are birds .
Antarctica is split into two main areas which is the West Antarctica and the East Antarctica.They are split up by Trans - Antarctica mountain. Did you know that the East Antarctica is nearly 3/4 bigger than West Antarctica.
On the first day of term 2 we had immersion assembly as always. The teachers had dressed up and team 4 teachers Miss Ouano, Mr Marks, Mr Somerville, Mr Slade, and Miss Lavakula dressed up as investigators they were investigating antarctica. Did you know that in antarctica there is not one person who lives there because it is just too cold and the only people who mostly go there are investigatorswho like to find out more about everything animals and what live in the sea (corals and starfishes).
Did you know that in Antarctica people like to go going for a dive in the sea and as the go diving they get in the water, at the top of the water it is very cold and as you get deeper it starts to get warmer.
At the bottom you will find some corals and starfishes.
This morning Room 14 have been learning how to take core samples. We took samples from a cupcake and guessed what the core (inside) looked like. In real life geologists take samples of what is under the land.